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Transport Options 

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Swinglift Truck

Swinglift or sidelift trucks as they are known, load and offload containers on the driver's side of the truck.

While they are adaptable, and capable of moving both 20 and 40-foot containers, carting weight up to 24,000kgs, they are often longer trucks that require more space to enable the positioning of the container. These trucks can only be used for the relocation of containers if the delivery location is suitable.

Rail / Coastal Shipping

Wherever possible we use Kiwirail to relocate containers city to city to minimise trucks on the road. We also use coastal shipping when moving containers between the two islands.

Typically, rail will get your container to the destination in a few days but will be more expensive than by sea. Transit by sea can be 10-14 days depending on shipping schedules and port delays but is a cheaper option in most cases.


Hiab / Crane Truck

Using an integrated crane, hiab trucks can position containers into difficult locations with great accuracy. They do have weight limitations though, which is why we ask about the load weight of your container and its contents during the quotation phase.

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