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+ FAQs


On Receipt of the Container

Before the truck leaves, ensure that you can open and close the container doors. If the container is not sitting level, it can rack and make the doors misalign, making them hard to open and close.

Have some short pieces of timber handy to place under each corner to help level the container, as sometimes the ground surface is uneven.

Check the container is watertight by running a hose over it and/or get inside the container and close the doors to look for light leaks. All containers supplied from the depot should be watertight, however, damage can occur in transit, or be missed during inspection. 


Packing Your Container for Travel

Label and number boxes so you can find items later.

​Store only clean, dry items. No damp timber, etc.

Remove or disconnect batteries and drain fuel from machinery.

Wrap furniture in blankets/plastic. 

Load heavy items first, spreading weight evenly in the  container, and load lighter items on top.

Secure moveable items using the steel loops at top & bottom of container with straps and rachet tiedowns.

Pack essential items for day to day life in boxes and add them to your container last, so they are easily accessible when unpacking.

It’s a good idea to place mattresses along the side of the container, but remember to keep one to place against the doors. Try to pack all the items as tight as possible, so nothing moves.

It is a good idea to keep items like pillows, blankets and even soft toys loose from boxes to fill spaces that may appear.

Purchase a suitable padlock to secure your container once packed.

Frequently Asked Questions

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